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Thursday, October 22, 2015

How to Promote Yourself without Coming Across as a Jerk

How to Promote Yourself without Coming Across as a JerkThe thing about blogging is that it’s not just blogging – you have to push your work out to others in order to be read. It’s an aspect of the job that is so intimidating for some that it totally holds them back from reaching their blog’s full potential. But without it, your blog is one of millions begging for attention and not getting it. “Build it and they will come” unfortunately doesn’t work here!

I was recently asked by a reader how to tackle this head on:

I’ve been blogging now for a few months and have built up an archive of posts that I think are useful for those who might find them – but I’m struggling with one big question – how to get people to read!
I’ve listened to some of your episodes on growing readership and understand the techniques I probably need to use – but my problem is that I’m scared to start.
More specifically my issue is that I don’t want to get too self promotional and come across as a complete jerk by over doing it and always be in people’s faces. Can you help?

In today’s episode of the ProBlogger podcast, I do just that.

The thing is, you do have to promote yourself, there’s really no way around it. From episode 33 to 37 of the podcast, we talked about finding readers but I guess what Samantha is asking is how do you do it the right way? In this episode I discuss the best ways of showcasing your expertise without coming across as a know-it-all.

I also touch on how to work to the best of your ability, why you should focus on exchanges rather than just broadcasting, what topic you should lead your blog with, where you should admit your knowledge deficits, the usefulness of storytelling, and more – including why you shouldn’t go overboard with the modesty thing. It’s all about what I think the secret to being a good influencer is and how it can make a difference between promoting yourself and promoting yourself so much you turn others off.

You can find episode 55 of the ProBlogger podcast How to Promote Yourself without Coming Across as a Jerk here.

I’d love to know – what are your favourite self-promotion tips? And is it something you struggle with, like Samantha does?

Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger
Build a Better Blog in 31 Days

How to Promote Yourself without Coming Across as a Jerk

The post How to Promote Yourself without Coming Across as a Jerk appeared first on @ProBlogger.

from @ProBlogger

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