America in Transition Pages

Saturday, November 23, 2013

How to Build Links to Your Website

Hоw tо Build Links tо Yоur Website

Link building іѕ important fоr аll website owners аnd marketers. Effective link building wіll hаvе а large impact оn thе volume аnd quality оf уоur website traffic. Why Link Building іѕ Important: Link building іѕ important fоr а number оf reasons. Fіrѕt off, links tо уоur website improve it's rankings іn thе search engines. Evеrу search engine determines whісh websites wіll арреаr іn thе search results аnd whісh wіll not. Search engines uѕе vеrу complex mathematical formulas called algorithms, tо determine whісh websites арреаr іn search results, аnd thе order thеу wіll арреаr in. An important factor оf thе algorithm іѕ thе number оf оthеr websites thаt include а link tо thе website bеіng evaluated. In addition tо improving уоur site's score іn thе algorithm, link building instantly creates nеw traffic streams fоr уоur website. Some оf thе mоѕt common ways tо build links include:

1. Article marketing
2. Forum posting
3. Blog comments
4. Link requests
5. Directory submission
6. Press releases

One vеrу cost effective wау оf building links іѕ Article marketing, іf уоu аrе writing thе articles уоurѕеlf, thе оnlу cost аѕѕосіаtеd wіth thіѕ іѕ thе time іt takes уоu tо write аn article аnd distribute it. Evеn іf уоu ѕhоuld hire а writer tо create thе articles іt іѕ ѕtіll vеrу cost-effective, аѕ еvеrу article уоu distribute wіll hаvе а link tо уоur website іn it, аnd еvеrу time іt іѕ posted оn ѕоmеоnе else's site уоu hаvе а potential traffic source. Forum posting аnd blog commenting аrе vеrу similar, аnd аrе great ways tо build links, аѕ thеу bоth аllоw уоu tо leave а link bасk tо уоur site. Link requests аrе а manual process thаt takes considerable effort

Yоu nееd tо identify potential sites tо request а link from, thеn contact thе site owner tо request thеу add а link tо уоur website, аlѕо thе rate оf return саn bе quіtе small. Directory submissions аrе fаіrlу easy tо do, but іt takes research tо find thе rіght directories tо submit уоur site fоr consideration. Directories аrе оnlу valuable іf thеу аrе focused оn thе ѕаmе topic аѕ уоur website.

Thеrе аrе software programs уоu mау purchase online tо jump start backlinks аnd related strategies.  Google thе words: links, backlinks, building links, еtс tо ѕее whаt іѕ available.  Onе website I lіkе thаt reviews thеѕе types оf software аnd оthеr internet marketing programs is:

Check іt оut аt уоur convenience.

Courtenay OConnell

Mу Facebook Page іѕ at:

I hаvе posted mаnу tips аnd strategies tо energize уоur online business marketing activities!

Friday, November 22, 2013

How to Promote Your Website on Social Media Sites

Hоw Tо Promote Yоυг Website On Social Media Sites There іѕ оnе tһіng tһаt аӏӏ оf υѕ аге working for: mоге traffic! Wе tгу tо create good content оn оυг site, create informative articles аnԁ υѕеfυӏ blog posts аnԁ wоυӏԁ ӏіkе mоге people tо ѕее them. Wе wаnt traffic, wе wаnt people read wһаt wе һаνе put ѕо mυсһ work іn to. Onе wау tо gеt tһаt traffic іѕ Ьу promoting оυг content оn social bookmarking sites, Ьυt іt оnӏу works іf уоυ ԁо іt correctly. Bеӏоw аге ѕоmе υѕеfυӏ tips tо һеӏр уоυ generate mоге visitors fгоm social bookmarking sites. Excellent content. Tһіѕ іѕ ргоЬаЬӏу tһе mоѕt important point. Tһе Ьеttег уоυг content is, tһе mоге ӏіkеӏу іt іѕ tһаt users wіӏӏ share уоυг content оn social bookmarking sites.

 Choose аn engaging title. Lеѕѕ people wіӏӏ click аnԁ read уоυг article іf tһе title іѕ boring. Tгу tо tһіnk оf аn interesting title tһаt tells people һоw tһеу wіӏӏ benefit fгоm reading уоυг article. Pick relevant keywords. If уоυ wаnt уоυг article tо Ье fоυnԁ it's crucial tо fігѕt knоw wһаt people аге searching for. Good keywords wіӏӏ mаkе ѕυге tһаt уоυг intended audience finds уоυг content mоге easily. Reinforce tһе title wіtһ а descriptive summary.

 Mоѕt social networking sites ӏеѕ уоυ add а short summary ог description оf tһе link. Uѕе tһіѕ description tо gеt people tо асtυаӏӏу click tһе link аftег tһе title һаѕ caught tһеіг attention. Bе аn active user. Bесоmе friends wіtһ tһе users оn social bookmarking sites аnԁ build а relationship wіtһ them. If уоυ аге аn active user уоυг friends саn һеӏр уоυ promote уоυг links Ьу voting аnԁ commenting оn them. Add social bookmarking icons tо уоυг site.

 Adding icons аt tһе bottom оf еνегу post tо tһе mоѕt common social bookmarking sites mаkеѕ іt а lot easier fог people tо share уоυг article wіtһ others. Add mоге links іn уоυг content. Yоυ could, fог example, put links оn tһе bottom оf уоυг blog posts tо оtһег related posts оn уоυг blog. Tһіѕ wіӏӏ increase tһе traffic tо уоυг site аnԁ mаkе ѕυге tһаt users stay оn уоυг blog fог а longer period оf time. Aӏwауѕ kеер іn mind tһаt уоυг goal ѕһоυӏԁ аӏwауѕ Ье tо create content tһаt іѕ υѕеfυӏ tо оtһег people.

 If tһе content уоυ create іѕ informative аnԁ helpful, people wіӏӏ share it, wһісһ wіӏӏ һеӏр уоυ bring mоге visitors tо уоυг web site. If уоυ follow tһе steps above, іt wіӏӏ Ьесоmе mυсһ easier tо gain mоге quality traffic fгоm social bookmarking sites. It іѕ important tо Ье consistent. Daily posting оf аn article оn уоυг blog ог website іѕ imperative. Bу Ьеіng consistent аnԁ perservering, уоυ wіӏӏ eventually succeed! Nеνег give up!

Courtenay OConnell

Thursday, November 21, 2013

How to Get a Tsunami of Traffic to Your Website

Guaranteed Website Traffic: How To Generate A Tsunami of Traffic To Your Website

I will now show you very effective ways to generate a massive amount of guaranteed website traffic. Without this, you are wasting your time with your personal website. You must apply what I have covered in this article if you want to be an online success. The reason most people fail is that they create an amazing looking site but they fail to understand how to get people to visit it. The tactics I am about to show you can generate you a tsunami of guaranteed website traffic, but only if you decide to put your head down and use them.

Make Sure You Utilize The Power Of Pay Per Click

Pay per click is a concept that has been around for quite some time, yet very few people can use it effectively to create true guaranteed website traffic. Google AdWords can literally create an unbelievable explosion if utilized correctly. I recommend you use keywords that are not too competitive for maximum effect. Also, don't ignore the fact that your ad needs to stand out from your competition. Your headline must make people open their eyes with excitement. I would suggest that you invest in a good Google AdWords book if you want to succeed with this method.

Ignore Article Marketing And You Face An Uphill Battle

Article marketing "can be very effective". I placed quotes around those few words because it can only be an effective method if you are able to truly harness its potential power. For example, if you decide to write articles for, you must realize that simply writing one article a month will not be enough. I would say that you probably make it a goal to write 25 different articles every single month. You certainly have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Classified Ads Will Not Let You Down

This is yet another powerful way to create an unlimited amount of guaranteed website traffic. The site that I like to recommend is, and I recommend it because I actually use it very effectively. If you do sign up for this service, make sure you upgrade to the $10 a month membership or, frankly, you will be wasting your time. The upgraded membership allows you to create an unlimited amount of ads every month. If you commit to create an ad a day, in the long run your efforts will definitely compound.

A Few Final Words

One thing I want to make clear is that if you really want genuine guaranteed website traffic, you must combine more than just one method. Too many people make the mistake of implementing just one method and fail miserably because of this. Guaranteed website traffic is absolutely possible, but you must employ a minimum of 5 strategies, making sure you utilize them consistently on a daily basis. You must give your efforts time to compound, and if you stick to your marketing plan for more than 6 months, you will start seeing stunning results. Don't just take my word for it; do it now and see it for yourself.

More online tips and strategies may be found at: 

Courtenay OConnell: See you at the top!

Monday, November 18, 2013

How To Get Free Leads on a Daily Basis

How to get free leads on a daily basis

This Simple FREE System Has Exploded My Home Based Business & Can For You Too:

I just found out about an amazing new
way to generate fresh leads on a daily
So let me ask you…
How would you like to get free leads
for life without EVER paying a dime
for the system itself?
Go ahead, you can get yours right here:


When you sign up today, I will throw in a FREE IBO Downline Team Builder!

This Downline Team Builder is awesome:

It is a downline genealogy builder…
We tell you what works and what doesn’t…
Everyone you refer goes into your generic downline…
Invite your downline into any program you wish…
Join Free Leads Forever and get the IBO DownlineTeam Builder as a free bonus, too!  A (free)  win-win for you:

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Welcome to IBO Team Build

Welcome to IBO Team Build

Awesome Downline Building Site - No upsells or OTO's: Really is free!

Free Downline Building Site:


IBO Team Build is a downline genealogy builder…

We tell you what works and what doesn’t…

Everyone you refer goes in your generic downline…

Invite your downline into any program you wish…

Join for Free TODAY!


Thursday, November 7, 2013

6 Tips to Sucessfully Market your Blog

6 Tips to Successfully Market Your Blog

Running a successful blog that has plenty of readers requires a combination of many things. When working on a blog, you never get to a stopping point. There's always something you can do to make it continue to grow and to make it popular. But what are these things? I'll go over a few blog marketing tips.

Tip 1.

You'll certainly be busy when marketing your blog. The main key to a successful blog is to have good content. If you don't have good content, then why would your readers come back? If you keep writing good content, however, your current readers will return, and your ranking will increase bringing you new readers. Remember. Content is key.

Tip 2.

Keeping your blog fresh and updated is another big key. For the best results, post content to your blog regularly. This could be once a day or even once a week. Whichever it is, be consistent. It may take some time, but it will definitely pay off.

Tip 3.

Your blog must stay on topic. Just having a blog about anything, or worse, random subjects, is not always a great idea. You have to chose a niche. For example, let's say one day you made a post on a current event. Then the next day it was on your marital situation. Then another post talks about a new car you purchased. You certainly won't be able to keep a blog audience by posting off the wall things time after time. Find your area of expertise and run with it. You can become an expert on that subject for your readers. They will visit your blog daily to find out what the "expert" is going to say. Believe me. It does work.

Tip 4.

Make sure the design of your blog stands out. You don't want it to look and feel like everyone else's. Find a blog template that you like and at least modify the header. If you know a bit of HTML or know how to work with CSS files, you can easily make some simple changes that makes your blog stand out from the crowd. Also, make sure the look of your blog matches the subject matter. If your blog is high tech, you don't want to give it an outdoors look. If you're not sure how to make changes to your template, you can easily hire a local college student or find someone online who knows how. It will be well worth the investment.

Tip 5.

Get familiar with SEO. If you're not sure what it stands for, it means Search Engine Optimization. Using SEO will help you market your blog to the fullest extent possible. Optimizing your posts as well as the template's html will get your the kind of results you'll love. There are plenty of resources on the internet about SEO. There are also books, tutorials, and forums that you can check out. Learn as much as you can. You'll find out that there is so much more to blog marketing than just making a post everyday.

Tip 6.

If you don't all ready, be sure that your blog has the RSS feeds. Having these feeds will allow others to be able to link to you blog. Having many links a huge part of blog marketing that you want to take advantage of as well. When someone uses the RSS feeds from your blog, they are able to get the posts that you make, and will give you a link back from their blog, or website, whichever they posted it on.

A blog can be a great way of focusing your creative energy and possibly make you some money or even a good living.

Check out more great online business marketing tips and strategies at my Facebook Page:

How to Engage your Facebook Fans

How to Engage Your Facebook Fans

The continuous growth of Facebook makes its use a must for all marketers, professionals and companies. Recently more and more businesses have understood the need to create an online presence on relevant social networks and have begun including Facebook Fan Pages in their social media strategy. According to statistics released by Facebook, 10 million people become fans of a page every day.

 The relevance of a Facebook Fan Page is recognized by Google also. Typing 'Facebook for Business' in Google brings 600 million results. Facebook provides an exceptional opportunity for visibility, Google indexing, live search ability, and fan engagement.

However, creating a Fan Page and having hundreds of fans should not be the ultimate goal of a business, but merely the beginning. Once you add fans, you need to design a social media strategy to keep people engaged to your Fan Page. Most businesses find it very challenging to do so at the moment.  However, there ARE some great sources for getting ideas on how to do  this in a straightfoward manner.

Check out our own Facebook Fan Page at:
 for more tips and strategies.

We have compiled a list of solutions to keep your Facebook fans engaged:

1. Brand new! (Use announcements of new product releases, important upgrades as to increase conversation with your Facebook Fans.)

2. Promo! (We all love discounts, special offers and freebies. There is nothing that gets us more.)

3. Show that you care! (Get your business involved in charity work, supporting causes that make the world a better place, eco-friendly projects.)

4. Network with other platforms! (Create a network of other platforms, working in conjunction to drive visitors to your Facebook fan page. Include your Twitter followers and activity into your Fan page engagement.)

5. Create a resource! (Use to offer information pertinent to your audience. Use information as added value to have consumers create a connection with the brand.)

6. Include relevant content! (Use auto posting features to insert your blog in your Fan Page. 

7. Share quality and relevant content, on a daily basis!

8. Mix up the type of posts! (links, text, photos, video, events)

9. Incite comments using the Discussions tab!

10. Respond to all your fans!

We hope you will find these useful in improving your company's engagement on Facebook!  Feel free to post your comments concerning how you have used these strategies or other techniques to energize your fans' engagement with your Facebook page.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Grow a 2nd Income: Great for stay at home Moms or any online marketing entrepreneur!

Beat the Recession... Grow a 2nd Income:  Great for stay at home Moms, or anyone that has an entrepreneurial spirit!

2nd Income - The Best Way to Generate a 2nd Income in Today's Economy!

The best way to start earning a 2nd income in the economy today is to start network marketing. Internet marketing is the best way to earn a full time income on a part time basis.

If you feel like you have an entrepreneurial spirit, or if you have ever wanted start your own business, the time is now. The internet is making it easier to market to a targeted group of people then ever before. Places like face book and twitter have over 150 million visitors a day, and once you learn how to position yourself, you will be able to capitalize on all of that traffic.

Internet marketing is taking the home based business industry by storm. After learning how to properly brand themselves and position themselves as leaders and mentors people are not only generating a 2nd income from home, but they are creating enough wealth to retire from their full time jobs.

The great thing about the internet is that it is not limited to your city, state, or even country. People are constantly bringing people into their businesses from all over the world.

How much time a day do you spend on YouTube, Twitter, MySpace, or Facebook?  Maybe you already know about some really useful websites to advertise your network marketing business....

Network marketing is all about building long getting to know people and building long lasting relationships with them. These social media sites are making this process easier than ever. The potential is literally unlimited. You create your income. Whether you are a stay at home Mom,  just want a 2nd income from home, or if you want to grow and develop your business into a million dollar business, it is totally up to you, and the work that you are willing to put in.

Internet marketing is the best way to make money on the internet. Once you learn the skills and techniques necessary to becoming successful in this exciting new industry, you can literally buy your time back. Time is something that is very important to a lot of people, what would you do if you had more time to do what YOU want to really do?

We all need a plan for retirement, or something which provides a little extra for those bills we don't expect.

I belong to a fantastic group called SFI (Secure Independent Future).  It's like another Ebay, but only costs you $0.29 to list an item until it sells, but then it is more than that. There's a whole online community where you can ask questions and make friends.

You can sell your stuff, or make recommendations on other's sales and then you get referral commissions.

It's incredible.
  You can email me at:  for more info on the tremendous opportunity that awaits!

You can have nothing and no way of getting anywhere and then come to SFI and start up a business and slowly and surely build a business and start making money. Making friends along the way.  Check out our website at:

Monday, November 4, 2013

Beat the Recession... Work at Home Today!

Beat the Recession - Work at Home

As the world grapples with recession, the concept of working-at-home gains all the more relevance. So, as more and more people learn to deal with unemployment and the financial pressures that come with it, many others are looking for ways to generate money in unconventional ways.

While many other people who lose their regular means of earning at the hands of the recession sit twiddling their hands, some would work out ways to work at home and tide over the stormy seas. In fact, many of these would be able to carve out a rewarding career out of it. So, it's time to stop seeing yourself as a victim of the circumstances and rise to the challenge. Who knows, deciding to work-at-home may be the best decision of your life.

However, there are numerous challenges to the concept of working from home. For one, it is often a task just to get started. Added to that is the uncertainty of the circumstances that may cause several doubts in the mind and weaken the resolve. Though hard to accomplish, this career of working from home can be rather fulfilling if one chances upon just the right idea.

There are several reasons that thousands of people all across the world get attracted towards the idea of working from home. Especially for the mothers who wish to work as well as take care of their families and children, it is the perfect solution. While you can cut on the commute time and the hectic schedule, more quality time is available for the children.

§ More control over your day
§ Great for mothers, since they can do both their work as well as mind their kids
§ Can be used as an add-on income source if you take a job some time later

§ It may not work for undisciplined people who would be more likely to procrastinate.
§ Poses a certain financial risk in case the idea doesn't work out as planned
Here are some tips that can help you achieve success if you start working at home.
§ Follow a disciplined routine. Though you are working at your home, this does not mean that you need not maintain a proper routine in your work.
§ Consider this as any other regular job and make proper time both for work as well as some breaks or recreational activities.
§ Plan each day and prepare short term as well as long term goals.
§ Maintain and expand your network of colleagues and friends who can sometimes turn out to be quite handy.

Craig Telfer, a prominet internet marketing professional has this to say about this topic:

Often when I am consulting with clients, I am asked to recommend books for entrepreneurs. I have compiled a list of titles on my shelf that I think are worth reading. Success in business means constantly learning and evolving, what better way to do so than sitting down with a good book. These are in no particular order. I hope you enjoy them as I have.

The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas Stanley & William Danko

The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing by Al Ries & Jack Trout

The Intelligent Entrepreneur by Bill Murphy

Cash Copy by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

The Wealthy Barber and The Wealthy Barber Returns By David Chilton (these will appeal especially to Canadians reading this article)

Midas Touch: Why Some Entrepreneurs Get Rich-And Why Most Don't by Donald J. Trump and Robert Kiyosaki

The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur by Mike Micalowicz

7 Strategies for Wealth & Happiness by Jim Rohn

Alpha Dogs: How Your Small Business Can Become a Leader of the Pack by Donna Fenn

Illusions of Entrepreneurship by Scott A. Shane

Escape from Cubicle Nation by Pamela Slim

Magic of Thinking BIG by David J Schwartz

How to Make Millions with Your Ideas by Dan Kennedy

The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference by Malcolm Gladwell (His book, The Outliers is really a good book too but less related to Entrepreneurs)

Why We Buy by Paco Underhill

The Goal by Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Jeff Cox

Screw It, Let's Do It by Richard Branson

Maximum Achievement: Strategies and Skills That Will Unlock Your Hidden Powers to Succeed by Brian Tracy

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

You Need to Be a Little Crazy: The Truth About Starting and Growing Your Own Business by Barry Moltz

Secrets of Closing the Sale by Zig Ziglar

Of course these are print books. There are lots of superb blogs and websites targeted at entrepreneurs. I will save that list for another post as it will be a very long list. For now I think you have some reading to do? Enjoy.
One great program that I love is SFI Marketing Group.  You can email me at:
 for more information or click on the large photo at the right entitled Self-Esteem.  I can even give you 5 PSA's (Personal Sponsored Affiliates) to energize your downline!  SFI is a BBB rated company and has been in business for many years! A most worthwhile company to work with- IMHO!
 Courtenay Patrick OConnell
Check out the SFI website at:

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Should You Hire An Internet Marketing Professional?

Starting out in internet marketing is almost always  overwhelming
to e-business newcomers,  even  if  they  are  seasoned  business
professionals or marketing experts. Internet marketing  is  truly
original and quite  different  from  traditional  marketing.  The
complexity  is  compounded  for  those  who  do  not  have   vast
experience  operating  or  marketing  a  business.  Whatever  the
circumstances, many new internet entrepreneurs ponder the idea of
hiring an internet marketing expert to get  their  internet-based
business off the ground.

There are different  types  of  internet  marketing  experts  who
provide  various  levels  of  support  and  services.  Hiring  or
contracting to a full-service internet marketing  expert  can  be
quite expensive,  but  using  limited  services  of  an  internet
marketing expert can be both cost-effective and advantageous  for
a new internet business. Another option  to  hiring  an  internet
marketing  expert  is  to   pursue   training   and   educational
opportunities in internet marketing  that  will  prepare  you  to
become an internet marketing expert yourself.

Some services offered internet marketing expert firms include:

1. Preparation   of   marketing   plans

2. Internet   marketing
consulting services

3. Management of specific internet  marketing

4. Full-service planning and management of the internet
marketing program

Having an internet marketing expert craft a marketing  plan  that
is  specific  to  your  business  is  a  good  way  to  gain   an
introduction to internet marketing and to realize  your  internet
marketing potential. A marketing plan  prepared  by  an  internet
marketing expert should contain an analysis of your business  and
your  industry  as  well  as  identifying  and  evaluating   your
competition and recommending a niche market for  you  to  target.

The  internet  marketing  expert  should  also  outline  internet
marketing strategies for you to use to reach your  target  market
and to drive targeted traffic to your website. Specifics of  your
planned internet marketing campaign should  be  included  in  the
marketing plan along with milestones and  an  internet  marketing
budget. Using an internet marketing expert in this capacity  will
provide you with a clear internet marketing plan that will  serve
as a guide for your internet marketing program.

Internet consulting services provided by  an  internet  marketing
expert can be provided one-on-one,  through  classes  or  through
coaching. Generally, such consulting services accomplish the same
thing as a marketing  plan  prepared  by  an  internet  marketing
expert, but they are less formal and more intended  to  condition
you to  prepare  and  administer  your  own  marketing  plan  and
program.  Working  with  an  internet  marketing  expert   on   a
consulting basis is a great way to learn about internet marketing
and to prepare yourself to manage  your  own  internet  marketing

Sometimes you may find it  beneficial  to  hire  or  contract  an
internet marketing expert to  manage  a  specific  area  of  your
internet marketing campaign that is time consuming. Search engine
optimization and pay-per-click management are examples  of  these
specific activities that may benefit from the use of an  internet
marketing expert. Both require ongoing monitoring and adjustments
to be continually effective and cost-efficient. Linking campaigns
are also ongoing, time consuming  tasks  that  you  may  want  to
consider outsourcing to an internet marketing expert.

A full-service internet marketing  expert  generally  provides  a
wide-array of internet marketing services.  Among  them  are  the
marketing planning tasks of reviewing the  industry,  identifying
the competition,  analyzing  the  market,  pinpointing  a  target
market, developing  a  unique  selling  proposition,  identifying
marketing methods, and planning the marketing  budget.  Once  the
marketing plan is in place and approved by you, the  full-service
internet marketing expert  actually  launches  and  manages  your
internet marketing campaign.

Considering all  of  the  levels  of  service  that  an  internet
marketing expert can provide will help you to decide  whether  or
not to hire an internet marketing expert. The main advantages  of
using the services of an internet marketing expert are access  to
expertise and freeing up your time. The disadvantage, of  course,
is the cost associated with the  use  of  an  internet  marketing
expert. In making that crucial decision for your unique business,
a cost-benefit analysis can provide guidance to ensure  that  you

make the best decision for your business.
Resources:  Internet Marketers Club