America in Transition Pages

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Coming Soon: The Launch of our startup, KG21 Technologies! Follo us to learn more about our revolutionary App!

Stephanie & I are excited to announce that we are working on the lauch of our startup, KG21 Technologies!

To get on our exclusive email "updates" list, email us at: with "KG21 Technologies" in the subject line.

You may opt-out at any time of course- just send an email to us that says "remove" in the subject line.  No problem!

We are currently doing surveys of parents to see if there really is a significant "need" for outr KinderGuard2021 App.  We are in a "tentative" discussion with a possible CEO, but not sure if he has the time or passion to move forward with our startup idea.

So, if you want to possibly participate in some manner (CEO, App developer, angel investor / venture capitalist, etc) please email us - let's discuss possibilities, moving forward.

And yes, we DO have a "Plan B" in the event that we (almost certainly) will have to "pivot" after launch.

This concept was originally Stephanie's, so she really deserves credit for the genesis of this "vision".  If you are concerned with the safety and security of your children when they walk to or from school OR to and from after school activities, you will certainly want to provide your most welcome feedback to us concerning the viability of our "KinderGuard2021" App.

For serious participants / investors, please provide your Linked-In ID and we can connect.  If we feel it appropriate, we can upload a one page overview of  our  "business" plan in moving forward ( We do have a very much abbreviated one page "official" business plan as well.

Long story short: We anticipate being able to compile a "vetted list" of folks that would be responsible for walking one's child to/ from school (for example) or to/from after school activities.  The legal liability issue has yet to be addressed, though nwe would prefer to encourage "vetted" folks to be listed in our "directory" ( i.e., off duty law enforcement personnel/ Uber and Lyft drivers "off duty", and others....  The legal issue may or may not be a game stopper.  Time will tell....

My FB, Twitter, Linked-In ID is:  azpat0  Let's "talk"!

Patrick ( and Stephanie) O'Connell)

PS:  I am a Social Media Consultant & Freelance Copywriter--- Patrick

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Join us in our bi-weekly Crystal Bowl Meditation at the Crystal Dove Bookstore in Albuquerque NM.  Message me via my Facebook page: ID is azpat0.  My Twitter ID is apat0. 
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Friday, January 26, 2018

I am in search of a co-author to finish my e-Biook: "America in Transition"

I have a manuscript, "America in Transition: from Manifest Destiny to Globalism to American Populism". 
 I am in need of someone that can co-author with me to finish this work (it needs a LOT of editing!):   The final chapter yet needs to be written:  American Populism in the 21st Century.
Perhaps you or an acquaintance can assist?
NOT  looking to make $$$ on this one: more focused on sharing what little info I have concerning the need to complete this manuscript.  Thank you for your time!

Follow me on FB & Twitter: ID is  azpat0

Patrick OConnell
Albuquerque NM

email me at:

Thursday, January 25, 2018

I am in need of a co-author for my manuscript: "America in Transition" Can YOU help???

I have a manuscript, "America in Transition: from Manifest Destiny to Globalism to American Populism".  I am in need of someone that can co-author with me to finish this work (it needs a LOTof editing!):   The final chapter yet needs to be written:  American Populism in the 21st Century.

Perhaps you or an acquaintance can assist?

NOT  looking to make $$$ on this one: more focused on sharing what little info I have concerning the need to complete this manuscript.  Thank you for your time!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018