America in Transition Pages

Thursday, September 10, 2015

What converts better: $100, $99, or $97?

I believe the subject line said it all. What converts better? $100, $99, or $97?

And should you even worry about something like this?

Some people would say yes.

After all, look around for split test results and you’ll see results like “changing a button color yields 1 million percent increase in conversions!”

But today I’ve got something a little controversial to share with you. And when you watch this new video, I’m betting you’ll agree with me.

And when you’re done watching the video, I want you to do something simple: share your experience with pricing your products and services. What worked? What didn’t work? Or, if you haven’t done anything rigorous, that’s okay too. Just let us know how you came up with your prices.

from Social Triggers

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