America in Transition Pages

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Design & UX Trends to Boost Conversions [INFOGRAPHIC]

If you’re like me, you’re a sucker for trends. I wear my denim with massive holes in the knees (much to the dismay of my grandmother). I change my hair constantly (much to the dismay of airport security). And I prefer my lunch served fresh from a food truck (ain’t nobody got beef with that).

But trends are not always a good thing — for digital marketers, jumping on the latest and greatest design and UX trend can hurt campaigns. On the other hand, they may boost conversions. The only sure way to know which way the pendulum swings is to A/B test ‘em for yourself.

The folks at The Deep End Design have compiled a comprehensive list of design and UX trends that have been shown to boost conversions.

We suggest using this list as a jumping off point if you’re not sure what to test. Of course, as with any trend, you’ll need to test it to see what works for you. If you just follow the herd, you might wind up like this guy

What to A/B test?

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