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Thursday, February 4, 2016

7 Tips to Supercharge Your Blog Growth in 2016

Do you know that a simple tweak to your blog can double, triple, or even quadruple your blog growth?

In 2015, I made slight changes to my blogging strategy and saw some massive results; for example, installing a simple plugin resulted in over a thousand extra subscribers to my blog every month, and I was able to get hundreds of subscribers from several of my guest posts even when people were crying that guest blogging is dead.

With the right plan, you can supercharge your blogging and take your blogging from nobody to superstar status. In this article, I share 7 tips guaranteed to supercharge your blog growth in 2016; these tips worked really well for me in 2015, and I plan to use them even more this year. Enjoy!

Tip #1: Revise Your Guest Blogging Strategy

While many people claim that guest blogging is dead, I got thousands of visitors directly from my guest posts in 2016, and I got hundreds of subscribers each from several of my guest posts. In fact, I got over 1,000 subscribers from one of my guest posts. That was in 2015, when many people regarded guest blogging – especially for traffic generation – to be dead. Here are some of my tips to help you create a revised, effective guest blogging strategy:

1. Choose Your Target Publication Wisely: While I did a bit of guest blogging in 2015, my most successful guest posts were on blogs much bigger than mine: blogs like with hundreds of thousands of monthly visitors, with millions of monthly visitors, etc.

The key to success with guest blogging lies in making sure you choose a blog that has an audience big enough to impact yours, and to ensure that the blog has an audience that will be interested in your blog because there’s relevance between the topic of your blog and that of your host blog.

2. Submit Resource Content as Guest Posts: I’m a huge advocate of publishing resource content, but I decided to take it to another level in 2015: I started submitting resource content as guest posts to other blogs, and the result was massive. Several of my guest posts had thousands of shares, resulting in thousands of visitors and subscribers to my blog.

Here are just a few examples:

Resource content can be very powerful. Imagine what can happen when you amplify the power of your resource content by publishing it on a blog much bigger than yours.

3. Implement a Content Upgrade in Your Guest Posts: I believe guest posting should always be a win-win situation: both you and the host blogger should benefit. Oftentimes, it takes significant effort to create a winning guest post, and one of the best ways to make best of this is by introducing a content upgrade inside of your guest posts. I did this in 2015, and the worst that happened was that editors of some of the blogs moved my content upgrade to the bio section. Even with that, those guest posts resulted in hundreds of subscribers.

Whether it is in your bio or directly at the end of your guest post, having a content upgrade will always lead to more traffic and subscribers for you. My student, Clement Lim, can testify to this: he started noticing an improvement in traffic and subscribers from his guest posts simply by implementing content upgrades in them.

Tip #2: Increase Your Blogging Frequency

For a very long time people have been debating whether it is better to publish content more frequently or to simply focus on publishing quality content whenever you feel like it.

If observing the successes of highly successful blogger is anything to go by, we realize that “blogging when I feel like it” does not a successful blogger make.

Seven-figure blogger Neil Patel gets over a million visitors monthly between his two blogs, and he has repeatedly documented that increasing blogging frequency led to significant traffic gains. This was also corroborated by data from Hubspot that revealed that blogging more frequently leads to more traffic, and that it’s better to publish 16 or more articles monthly.

If you want to grow your blog in 2016, you need to work on your blogging frequency.

Tip #3: Publish More Comprehensive Articles

Resolve to publish more comprehensive articles in 2016; gone are the days where you can just slap articles of 500 words on your blog to meet some content schedule. Various sources have shown that content length matters, and high-profile marketer Neil Patel has repeatedly featured studies to show that content length influences traffic and blog growth. Neil recommends publishing content no less than 2,000 words.

Tip #4: Create a Resource on Your Blog

In 2015 alone, resource articles resulted in hundreds of thousands of visitors to my blog; in fact, most of these visits came from resources I had published years ago.

The average article on my blog has a short shelf life, and traffic usually dies down within months of publishing an article. Things are different with resource articles, though: with every resource article I publish, traffic never dies. In fact, after some time, with almost all of my resource articles, traffic starts to pick up, eventually surpassing the traffic the resource generated when it was first published and heavily promoted.

Here are some good examples of resource content to inspire yours:

The above examples include resources from 4 different categories: writing, education, web hosting, and marketing. It goes to show that you can create a resource for your blog no matter your niche.

Here are some tips:

  • Identify a common pain point in your niche that people need a solution to
  • Instead of giving people tips to solve this pain point, give them a solution. For example, instead of telling people to do outreach to promote their business, give them several outreach templates that they can use
  • Make sure your resource content is specific; the more specific a resource is, the more likely it will spread.

Tip #5: Install the SumoMe App

If the only thing you can do this year is to install and properly configure the SumoMe app, your blog will thank you for it. In 2015, installing the SumoMe app resulted in thousands of extra email subscribers from my blog EVERY MONTH. Here are two key SumoMe apps I recommend installing:

1. The Welcome Mat: The SumoMe “Welcome Mat” shows a full-page opt in form that takes over your screen immediately people visit your blog. They can either cancel the form, scroll down to continue reading, or opt in to your newsletter. Usually, though, a good percentage of your readers will opt in; I get an average of 4.4% conversion rate, site-wide, from the Welcome Mat installed on my blog. For me, that’s over a thousand extra subscribers monthly.

Below is an example of a Welcome Mat in action – screenshot taken from Zac Johnson’s blog:

Zac Johnson Welcome Mat

Here’s a screenshot showing options I’ve gotten through my Welcome Mat:

Bamidele Onibalusi Welcome Mat stats

Here’s a nice tutorial from on how to create a Welcome Mat.

2. The Scroll Box: The SumoMe “Scroll Box” introduces an optin form that is triggered when readers scroll through your blog; you can configure your optin form to trigger after readers scroll to a certain percentage of your blog. Because the form is only triggered when readers scroll, it will only appear to engaged readers, leading to an improved conversion rate.

Tip #6: Create a Content Upgrade

I created my first content upgrade early 2015 and, thousands of subscribers later, it’s contributed immensely to the success of my blog.

I wrote an article here on DBT about my experience with content upgrades early last year, and, needless to say, it’s a strategy I’ll be leveraging for increased blog growth this year.

Here are some tips to help you with your content upgrade:

1. It Does Not Have to be Complicated: Most people fail to create content upgrades because they assume that it has to be complicated. No, it doesn’t. Most likely, people aren’t interested in your free 165 pages ebook. Instead, they’ll appreciate your short report, compilation of your best blog posts, a quick resource or tool, or even a video.

2. You Don’t Have to Create New Mega Content: The first month of creating my content upgrade last year, I got 700 subscribers directly from the content upgrade; within two months, I already had 1,200 extra subscribers. This wasn’t because I published new content that was a big hit; instead, it was because I updated existing content – popular content I published years ago – to feature my content upgrade.

Simply update some of your popular old articles to feature your content upgrade, and you’re good to go.

Tip #7: Ensure a Faster Website Experience

Research shows that 40% of people will abandon your website if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load. It has also been established that Google uses site speed as a ranking factor.

A slow blog can cost you half of your traffic. Having a faster website leads to better user experience, more traffic, and improved search engine rankings, and it’s one way to take your website growth to the next level in 2016.

Bamidele Onibalusi is an entrepreneur, blogger and freelance writer. He helps people build profitable businesses through his blog,

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from Daily Blog Tips

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