America in Transition Pages

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Our Top Tips on Creating Content: the Most Popular ProBlogger Posts of 2015

Our Top Tips on Creating Content: the Most Popular ProBlogger Posts of 2015

It’s been a great year here on ProBlogger, and as I advised (bullied you into?!) the other day – it’s time to look back on the year that was on your blog. I’ve been having a scroll through our analytics to dig out what posts you guys found most useful this year and I’ll be publishing the top five in the categories of content, monetisation, social media, and the general tips we’ve shared across the rest of this week. Check back tomorrow for the next instalment!

Our Top Tips on Creating Content: The Most Popular ProBlogger Posts of 2015

Four Blogging Tools to Make Your Content Go Further

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Tools! You guys love tools. This post has four recommendations – on the subject of visual content, how to keep tabs on those blogging in your industry, how to manage your social media, and growing your influence. They’re pretty solid tips that will help you make the most of the content you create to make more of a mark in the blogging world.

3 Content Tweaks to Increase Your Blog Traffic Without Spending a Penny

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Oh how we adore a bargain! And nothing is cheaper than free. Guest contributor Jawad Khan shared three changes you can make to your existing and future blog content, without spending tons of money, to immediately start getting more traffic from search engines and social media websites. All that reward for very little work.

How to Get Top Bloggers to Share Your Content and Boost Your Traffic


This is a solid, lengthy post with great ideas on how to get your content in front of the right people – people with enough influence to send tons of traffic your way.

How to Build Your Blog’s Audience with Longform Evergreen Content

How to Build Your Blog's Audience with Long Form Evergreen Content

Pulling from some fantastic Tim Ferriss advice, this post reminded you all to get back to basics if you want to increase your traffic. Is your content full of useful, evergreen advice? Are you strong on who your audience is and who you are writing to? Why long form anyway? All the answers are revealed…

Google’s Mobilegeddon: The Best Excuse to Repurpose Old Content

How to Build Your Blog’s Audience with Long Form Evergreen Content - on

Google Mobilegeddon (the algorithm change that penalised websites that didn’t have mobile capabilities) frightened many of you into action. It was also the perfect time to reformat your content and publish it in varying ways. Mike gives a few pointers on how to breathe new life into old content.

Special Mentions:

So what worked for you? Which tips did you find most useful? Have you had an extra-good year on your blog content-wise? I’d love to chat in the comments!

I’m also taking bets on what you think were the most popular posts on monetisation, which will be revealed in tomorrow’s post!

Stacey Roberts is the Managing Editor of a writer, blogger, and full-time word nerd balancing it all with being a stay-at-home mum. She writes about all this and more at Veggie Mama. Chat with her on Twitter @veggie_mama or be entertained on Facebook.

The post Our Top Tips on Creating Content: the Most Popular ProBlogger Posts of 2015 appeared first on ProBlogger.

from ProBlogger

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