America in Transition Pages

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

How to Increase your Amazon Affiliate Earnings for the Holidays

How to Increase your Amazon Affiliate Earnings for the Holidays

If you’re anything like most of the western world at the moment, you’ve got shopping on the brain.

Chances are, so do your readers!

The peak consumption time around Christmas is usually a peak earning time for those of us who are affiliate sellers. I always have a spike of income around December (and to a lesser extent, November and January), because people are always on the lookout for gift for friends and loved ones, and they find what they’re looking for through my posts.

If you were listening to episode 53 of the ProBlogger podcast, you would know I’ve earned over half a million dollars with the Amazon Affiliate program, which has been bolstered by the work I do over the Christmas period to drive traffic to the Amazon site. In the below video I have a reply of a livestream I did recently about how to really boost your income over the Christmas period with affiliate earnings.

At this time of year I would be putting Amazon affiliate links into at least every second post to help give my readers maximum exposure without overdoing it.

In this video I give five tips on how to make the most of the program in the Christmas period. Briefly, they are:

  • Get people in the door (Amazon is very good at getting people to buy if you can just get them to click over)
  • Promote the sales (sounds obvious, right?! but you’d be surprised!)
  • Bestseller lists (I have a full podcast here on how exactly to create great bestseller lists that successfully convert into sales here)
  • Buying guides (slightly different to the bestseller list, almost like mini-reviews of different items at different price points)
  • Hypotheticals (a little challenge you can issue readers that helps with tip number one – see an example here)

I’d love to hear your thoughts – does the theory hold true for you that your readers are in a buying mood? Are you seeing a spike in your earnings this time of year? I hope these tips are successful for you.

You might also want to check out the other tips I have for affiliates:


The post How to Increase your Amazon Affiliate Earnings for the Holidays appeared first on ProBlogger.

from ProBlogger

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