America in Transition Pages

Monday, December 7, 2015

Build a Better Blog for 2016: Grab 50% Off Our Best Selling eBook This Week Only

Can you believe 2016 is only 24 sleeps away?

If you’ve been following along with the current series of ProBlogger podcasts, you’ll know this past few months for me has been all about getting things off my ‘someday list’ list and putting them onto my ‘today list’.

I’ve realised that there are a number of things in my own blogging here at ProBlogger that need to improve in 2016 and have spent the last couple of months preparing to make some big changes.

As I’ve shared that journey on the podcast I am really excited to see others joining in and getting serious about making similar preparations for a big year next year.

To assist in that journey I decided yesterday to do something that will hopefully help you get your blog in top shape for the new year.

As of today and for the next week only our best selling eBook – 31 Days to Build a Better Blog – is available for 50% off when you use the coupon code GOODBYE2015.

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This eBook (and the free bonus week) is designed to help you get your blogging into gear and to work on some key areas of blogging including writing great content, getting off your blog to find new readers and to build engagement with the readers who come your way.

31 Days to Build a Better Blog Has Helped Tens Thousands of Bloggers

The idea behind 31DBBB is simple. Every day for 31 days I give you a little bit of teaching and a challenge to do something simple that has the potential to improve your blog.

31DBBB started its life back in 2005 as a series of blog posts here on ProBlogger. That first year several thousand bloggers took the challenge. I repeated the series in 2007 with another 5000 bloggers joining in and in 2009 we hit 13,000 participants.

In 2009 I turned the series into an eBook and it quickly became the most popular eBook (or book) I’ve ever written.

Since that time we’ve launched a 2nd edition of the eBook and it’s sold over 21,000 copies, and worked through it as a 31 part podcast series, which has been downloaded just over a quarter of a million times.

I pinch myself that something I’ve created has been used so many times but what excites me most is the feedback from those who use it send me. I’ve lost count of the messages, emails and reviews I’ve seen letting me know how the series of 31 daily challenges and teaching have helped bloggers improve their blogs.

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I love that 31DBBB not only helps beginners but more experienced bloggers to find new energy and direction for their blogs – so it’s my pleasure to make it a little more accessible to more bloggers this week with a 50% discount.

To get the discount simply use the coupon code GOODBYE2015 in the checkout process. It’ll make the price $14.99 USD.

This discount lasts for this week only and will end on Monday 14 December. Get 31 Days to Build a Better Blog here, and don’t forget the coupon code to get your copy at half price!

The post Build a Better Blog for 2016: Grab 50% Off Our Best Selling eBook This Week Only appeared first on @ProBlogger.

from @ProBlogger

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